[reSIProcate] bug in SipFrag.cxx

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Thu Aug 31 12:33:31 CDT 2006

	Good eye. Your solution sounds about as optimal as can be managed.

Best regards,
Byron Campen
> Hi,
> I found this in SipFrag.cxx:
> void
> SipFrag::parse(ParseBuffer& pb)
> {
> //   DebugLog(<< "SipFrag::parse: " << pb.position());
>    mMessage = new SipMessage();
>    pb.assertNotEof();
>    const char *constBuffer = pb.position();
>    char *buffer = const_cast<char *>(constBuffer);
>    size_t size = pb.end() - pb.position();
>    // !ah! removed size check .. process() cannot process more
>    // than size bytes of the message.
>    MsgHeaderScanner msgHeaderScanner;
>    msgHeaderScanner.prepareForFrag(mMessage, hasStartLine(buffer,  
> size));
>    enum { sentinelLength = 4 };  // Two carriage return / line feed  
> pairs.
>    char saveTermCharArray[sentinelLength];
>    char *termCharArray = buffer + size;
>    saveTermCharArray[0] = termCharArray[0];
>    saveTermCharArray[1] = termCharArray[1];
>    saveTermCharArray[2] = termCharArray[2];
>    saveTermCharArray[3] = termCharArray[3];
>    termCharArray[0] = '\r';
>    termCharArray[1] = '\n';
>    termCharArray[2] = '\r';
>    termCharArray[3] = '\n';
>    char *scanTermCharPtr;
>    MsgHeaderScanner::ScanChunkResult scanChunkResult =
>        msgHeaderScanner.scanChunk(buffer,
>                                   size + sentinelLength,
>                                   &scanTermCharPtr);
>    termCharArray[0] = saveTermCharArray[0];
>    termCharArray[1] = saveTermCharArray[1];
>    termCharArray[2] = saveTermCharArray[2];
>    termCharArray[3] = saveTermCharArray[3];
> The problem with this code is that the sentinel is wrote *behind*  
> the ParseBuffer. If the ParseBuffer stands at the very end of an  
> allocated buffer, this code writes 4 bytes behind it. So it  
> happened in our application. As a consequence a further allocation  
> of memory inside of scanChunk() failed – probably because some  
> administration information of the memory heap was overwritten.
> I can easily reproduce this using the gflags tool of the Mircosoft  
> debugging tools.
> My solution consists in allocating a new buffer that has the  
> required size (+4), copying the content of the ParseBuffer to it.  
> The new buffer is referenced by the SipFrag object and is freed on  
> destruction of the latter. It is up to the resip-pro’s to find a  
> smarter solution.
> I like resip :-)
> Heiner
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