[reSIProcate] [DUM] User agent unable to register - more info / more analysis

Emmanuel BUU emmanuel.buu at ives.fr
Wed Aug 30 17:45:52 CDT 2006

Emmanuel BUU a écrit :
> Hello everybody,
> We are building a SIP user agent and trying to register to an Asterisk
> server. It fails. After anayzing the REGISTER message composed by the
> DUM, we noticed that:
> 1 - the Via header does not include the source port (which is not 5060
> in our particular case) so the UA. The Asterisk send back the answers
> packet on 5060 and off course they are not received.
> 2 - the Authentication header is simply missing !! So of course
> Asterisks rejects the REGISTER
I should also add that because of dev constraints, we run the UA and the
Asterisk on the same hosts. UA uses port 5061 and asterisjk 5060.

After some more research, I found out that DialogUserManager.send( )
should insert an Authentication header and that the SipStack.send()
should correct the port in my Via header.
So why is it not working ?

How could I troubleshoot this ?


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