[reSIProcate] To DUM or not to DUM that is the question

Robert Whitaker capnwhit at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 29 20:18:48 CDT 2006

I am working on a gateway project that requires
translating SIP requests to a proprietary signaling
protocol and I am wondering if DUM is the appropriate
interface to use (or whether I should write code
directly on top of the resip stack). Any advice on how
to architect this project using reSIProcate would be
greatly appreciated.

In case more information is needed, here is a example
of the needed functionality:

a) Assume Alice uses a SIP phone 

b) Assume Bob uses a proprietary phone

c) Assume a gateway translates SIP requests to the
proprietary protocol

d) Assume Alice calls Bob using
"sip:bob at chattanooga.com" 

e) The "chattanooga.com" server receives "INVITE
sip:bob at chattanooga.com" from Alice 

f) The "chattanooga.com" server sends "100 Trying"
back to Alice 

g) The "chattanooga.com" server makes Bob's phone ring
via proprietary IPC method

h) The "chattanooga.com" server sends "180 Ringing"
back to Alice

i) Bob picks up his phone and an IPC method informs
the "chattanooga.com" server

j) The "chattanooga.com" server sends "200 OK" back to


The "chattanooga.com" server will be expected to
service many simultaneous invite requests (for example
Mary is calling Peter simultaneously). When Bob's
phone starts ringing, the "chattanooga.com" server
needs to invoke "180 Ringing" on Alice's session (not
Mary's). Therefore the "chattanooga.com" server will
need to have a map of objects...

QUESTION: Is this a good match for DUM or should I
write this directly on top of the stack?



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