[reSIProcate] write Application data to DUM Fifo??

Benjamin Jacob benjamin.jacob at masconit.com
Thu Aug 24 22:47:30 CDT 2006

Thanks Scott, that does solve a few things for me.
A thought, I am guessing, that this cant be done in another thread, in a 
thread-safe manner, i.e. If i have an application thread, which has got 
a reference of the DUM object, it cant blindly do a post on the msg to 
be sent; it would have to mutex on DUM??
So, all of this has to be done serialy. DUM and application would have 
to be one thread?

Thanks again.

Scott Godin wrote:

>You can subclass DumCommand and use DialogUsageMaanger::post to queue the
>message.  The executeCommand method will be called on your object, when dum
>processes this message.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org
>[mailto:resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org] On Behalf Of Benjamin
>Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2006 3:03 AM
>To: Resiprocate
>Subject: [reSIProcate] write Application data to DUM Fifo??
>Hello everyone,
>Is it possible to write Application specific msgs into a DUM Fifo?
>I have got a strong urge, that it is possible, but dont know
>how?(TransactionUserMessage, etc.????)
>The idea is an application somewhere writes data to a UserDefinedFifo, a
>reader thread picks up this thread, converts this data to a msg type
>understood by DUM and puts it onto DUM's fifo.
>So, wot is this msg type, and also how do I push this msg onto DUM's fifo,
>from this reader thread??
>Any ideas?
>Another question bugging me since days, is it possible to have have
>different DUM threads(e.g. one for UAS and another for UAC), and only one
>stack listening on 5060??
>resiprocate-devel mailing list
>resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org

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