[reSIProcate] Linking error

Alan Hawrylyshen alan at polyphase.ca
Thu Aug 24 15:39:41 CDT 2006

On 2006.08.24, at 13:21 , Alan Hawrylyshen wrote:

> On 2006.08.24, at 12:54 , Matthias Granberry wrote:
>> sh -c "which gperf && <gperf_command>"  will only execute if the
>> gperf binary is in the path.
> There are two steps to this - (1) ensure gperf is present (2) touch
> the Hash.cxx files on 1st Make to prevent svn from forcing a
> regeneration of the hash files.
> I am playing around with this and will check something in on trunk.
> Please test and let me know.
> Alan

This is now available on /main.

r6530 | alan | 2006-08-24 13:38:12 -0700 (Thu, 24 Aug 2006) | 9 lines
Changed paths:
    M /main/resip/stack/Makefile

Updated Makefile to better deal with gperf (absence) and gperf  
(timestamp) issues.

- Makefile will now 'touch' all Hash.cxx files if .firsthash is not
present. (Preventing re-gperf).

- Makefile calls "gperf -v > /dev/null 2>&1" as precondition to
calling gperf to prevent clobbers when gperf is absent.


I recommend porting this to 1.0-RC1. Any objections? Some others  
should try this first and I'll port it over.

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