[reSIProcate] memory leak bug in TransactionState

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Thu Aug 24 15:16:02 CDT 2006

	Alright, suppose something sends us an INVITE with a non-matching,  
unknown method in CSeq. This will parse successfully, since it is  
well-formed. This INVITE will be sent up to the TU, which will reply  
(hopefully). Unfortunately, TransactionState ingores the response...

    else if (isResponse(msg, 100, 699) && isFromTU(msg))
       SipMessage* sip = dynamic_cast<SipMessage*>(msg);
       int code = sip->header(h_StatusLine).responseCode();
       switch (sip->header(h_CSeq).method())

             //StackLog (<< "Received response to non invite or  
cancel. Ignoring");
             delete msg;


So, should the stack be verifying that the method in CSeq matches the  
request-line when a request comes in? This is the second bug I have  
found in the last hour or so that could be solved by adding this check.

Best regards,
Byron Campen

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