[reSIProcate] write Application data to DUM Fifo??

Benjamin Jacob benjamin.jacob at masconit.com
Thu Aug 24 02:02:31 CDT 2006

Hello everyone,
Is it possible to write Application specific msgs into a DUM Fifo?
I have got a strong urge, that it is possible, but dont know 
how?(TransactionUserMessage, etc.????)

The idea is an application somewhere writes data to a UserDefinedFifo, a 
reader thread picks up this thread, converts this data to a msg type 
understood by DUM and puts it onto DUM's fifo.
So, wot is this msg type, and also how do I push this msg onto DUM's 
fifo, from this reader thread??
Any ideas?

Another question bugging me since days, is it possible to have have 
different DUM threads(e.g. one for UAS and another for UAC), and only 
one stack listening on 5060??


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