[reSIProcate] can not output user param in URI

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Tue Aug 22 08:24:57 CDT 2006

Comments inline:

> Ok sorry for the confusion between user-parameter and extension  
> parameter,
> I am sorry I am still a bit confused with SIP
> If there is no way to iterate through the parameters,
	There is no way to iterate through unknown parameters, you need to  
know what you're looking for.

> how can I get the name of the unknown extension parameters?

	The stack was intentionally designed such that, if an unknown  
parameter is present, you can not access it unless you know what you  
are looking for. It is good practice not to play with parameters that  
you don't understand when designing a sip element; this enforces this  
good practice.

> (I am sorry it's probably a dumb question)
> for ex:
> "sip:user:password at host:4242;ttl=15;user="me";paf=pouf;pif =plof"
> So if I need to get the values of paf and pif...
> I guess I would need to do something like:
> cout << uri.param(UnknownParameterType("paf"));
> cout << uri.param(UnknownParameterType("pif"));
> but how do I get "paf" and "pif" in the first place? :-(

	What you are trying to do here is best accomplished by using  
ParserCategory::encodeParameters(std::ostream& s). Anything that has  
parameters is derived from ParserCategory, so you can do this with  
Uri, NameAddr, Via, etc. This will stream out all the known and  
unknown parameters.

> Thank you for your help
> Best Regards,
> Julien
>> But, the x-v17 is a user parameter, so we should be parsing that.  
>> Now,
>> the question is, when we call Uri::user(), should we be getting the
>> user parameters with it, or not?
>> Best regards,
>> Byron Campen
>>> "foo" would be considered an extension parameter...
>>> http://wiki.resiprocate.org/wiki/index.php?title=Use_Overview#Uri
>>> http://wiki.resiprocate.org/wiki/index.php?title=Uris
>>> http://wiki.resiprocate.org/wiki/index.php? 
>>> title=Use_Overview#Extension_
>>> parameters
>>> There is no way to iterate through the parameters.
>>> Scott
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org
>>>> [mailto:resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org] On Behalf Of
>>>> julien
>>>> Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 5:24 AM
>>>> To: resiprocate-devel
>>>> Subject: [reSIProcate] can not output user param in URI
>>>> Hello everyone,
>>>> I am having troubles getting the user-parameters from a URI, I do :
>>>> Uri uri("sip:user;x-v17:password at host.com:5555;foo=bar");
>>>> cout << "user!!" << uri.user() << endl;
>>>> cout << "password!!" << uri.password() << endl; cout <<  
>>>> "userParams!!"
>>>> << uri.userParameters() << endl;
>>>> On the output I get this :
>>>> user!!user;x-v17
>>>> password!!password
>>>> userParams!!
>>>> I don't get any userParams on the output I tried this using
>>> testUri.cxx
>>>> Is this test correct?
>>>> I am trying to get "foo"="bar" or equivalent, (actually I need  
>>>> to get
>>>> all the parameters name and values one by one)
>>>> I am using : reSIPprocate-1.0-RC1 (I checked out the latest version
>>>> because it was not working either with my previous version) on  
>>>> windows
>>>> XP sp2, and VS2005 (compiling in /Mtd mode)
>>>> Please I really need this! Any help or suggestion welcome Thank  
>>>> you in
>>>> advance
>>>> -- 
>>>> Julien
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> -- 
> Julien Saito
> ジュリアン 齋藤
> julien at aplix.co.jp
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