[reSIProcate] DUM REFER crash

Matt Porter mporter at calltower.com
Fri Aug 18 14:28:40 CDT 2006

Im not disagreeing with the "programming error"... I sure have my fair
share of those.

I think that the stack shouldn't send a REFER, if the subscription
handlers arent there to respond/support it.
The stack shouldn't "automagically" creates this subscription in the
first place if there is no handler for it.. 

-----Original Message-----
From: jason.fischl at gmail.com [mailto:jason.fischl at gmail.com] On Behalf
Of Jason Fischl
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2006 2:04 PM
To: Matt Porter
Cc: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: Re: [reSIProcate] DUM REFER crash

You need to install a handler. It should assert in this case rather than
crash. However, it is a programming error. I don't think this can occur
from events from the wire.

On 8/18/06, Matt Porter <mporter at calltower.com> wrote:
> Dialog.cxx
> DebugLog (<< "Making subscription from NOTIFY: " << msg);
> ClientSubscription* sub = makeClientSubscription(msg); 
> mClientSubscriptions.push_back(sub);
> ClientSubscriptionHandle client = sub->getHandle(); 
> mDum.mInviteSessionHandler->onReferAccepted(mInviteSession->getSession
> Ha
> ndle(), client, msg);
> mInviteSession->mSentRefer = false;
> sub->dispatch(request);
> ClientSubscription.cxx
> void
> ClientSubscription::dispatch(const SipMessage& msg) {
>    ClientSubscriptionHandler* handler = 
> mDum.getClientSubscriptionHandler(mEventType);
>    assert(handler);
>    !!! UGG
>    handler is null, I have no handlers for event=refer
> Maybe I should have a subscription handler for a NOTIFY, event=refer.
> crashing seems to be an extreme side affect, if I don't..
> At least check the pointer before calling the method.
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