[reSIProcate] createContents() of reSiprocate

ajay.kaushik at tcs.com ajay.kaushik at tcs.com
Fri Aug 11 05:22:30 CDT 2006

Hi all,

I'm using resiprocate Stack to build the Instant Messaging/Presence 

My problem is that when i use createContents function of Contents.cxx file 
my prog crashes in that function.

Has anybody worked in that field.

here is how i'm using the creatContent function

Mime type("application","pidf+xml);
Data Contents(
                        "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\r\n"
entity=\"pres:preeti at\">\r\n"
                        "<tuple id=\"765\">\r\n"

Contents *cont=Contents::createContents(type,contents);

when my prog steps into createContents it say assertion(!contents.mMine) 

Is there any thing related to HeaderFieldValue also because while 
debugging i found that hfv was not defined in that context.

May be i'm missing a small thing but my code crashes again n again.

If any body can provide me with the sample code for creating contents that 
will be of great help to me.

Thanks in advance

Ajay Kaushik

Tata Consultancy Services Limited
Mailto: ajay.kaushik at tcs.com
Website: http://www.tcs.com
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