[reSIProcate] Hardening the parser (what goes into 1.0?)

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Mon Aug 7 15:59:13 CDT 2006

> Hi,
> Microsoft can and does send unnaturally large messages.  I think  
> UInt64 is fine for CL, but you should be able to set a message  
> limit that is smaller.  Also, you may want to accept an incorrect  
> CL, but if it is incorrect by several K, you might close the  
> connection. Finally, I missed why it would be useful to have UInt8  
> support anywhere.
> thanks,
> -rohan
> On 8/7/06 10:43, "Byron Campen" <bcampen at estacado.net> wrote:
> >I guess I mis-remembered that detail. But, does UInt32 sound like  
> a reasonable limit? Or should we go with UInt64 so file transfers  
> of larger than 4G can be carried out using a single sip request? Is  
> any other implementation on the face of the planet likely to accept  
> a Content-Length this large?
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	Yes, but is "unnaturally large" larger than 4GB? I can cook up a  
UInt64Category and patch it in, but I want to know whether anyone  
thinks it will actually be useful. (Which reminds me; I have removed  
UInt8Parameter and UInt8Category)

Best regards,
Byron Campen

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