[reSIProcate] SIPFoundry SVN configuration tweak

Philip Kizer pckizer at estacado.net
Mon Aug 7 15:37:31 CDT 2006

My apologies if you receive this twice (or more).  I'm sending to all  
groups that have Subversion managed projects at scm.sipfoundry.org as  
well as individuals that have access to certain projects that do not  
have a well-defined development mailing-list.

It has been pointed out to me that a testing value for the HTTP  
authentication domain was not changed to match the old production  
value when the service was moved.

I have heard that this might be causing some problems for subversion  
check-ins, so I am setting the new server to have the old value.

It has been changed from:	SIP Foundry User Access
To the previously set value:	SIPfoundry

Those of you that were prompted for new authentication for the new  
realm will similarly be asked again now that it has been put back to  
the old value.

Also, in a noted change from the previous configuration, rather than  
having various sections of the site that have different  
authentication realms, all realms have been updated to match with the  

Thank you,

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