[reSIProcate] Odd behaviour with via headers

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Mon Aug 7 09:59:23 CDT 2006

	Try it now. The problem should be fixed.

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> I have noticed some odd behaviour with Via headers.
> I have recently upgraded one of my applications from version 6044 of
> resiprocate to the latest svn, and this issue became evident.
> a) configure SipStack using non-default port:
> sipStack->addTransport(UDP, 5061)
> b) reSIProcate is now listening ONLY on port 5061 (not on 5060) - I've
> confirmed this with 'netstat -unl'
> c) send a message (e.g. INVITE) using DialogUsageManager::send(msg)
> d) the Via header of the message no longer mentions the non-standard
> port - instead, it defaults to blank
> I've been able to work around this by setting the port details in the
> UserProfile object for each outgoing session.  However, it is not
> immediately obvious that this is necessary - it took me 15 minutes  
> just
> to work out that the Via header was different.
> To cause further confusion, the Contact header is correct, listing  
> port
> 5061.  The Via header and Contact header are therefore not consistent
> with each other - is this intentional?
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