[reSIProcate] Content-Length is not taken seriously by SipMessage

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Fri Aug 4 12:15:52 CDT 2006

> Derek MacDonald wrote:
>> It isn't ignored for TCP; it is ignored for UDP.  The rational for  
>> this is
>> people are more likely to get their content length wrong as  
>> opposed to stray
>> bytes in a UDP packet.
> And that works just fine until some bozo notices that the  
> specification requires, at a MUST level, implementations to ignore  
> extra cruft in UDP packets, and decides it's a safe place to  
> piggyback some proprietary information or diagnostics. Yes: bad  
> them, but it takes two to dance this particular tango, and you've  
> just volunteered.
> /a

	Also, we should not encourage bad behavior by letting this slide,  
because this sort of mistake kills TCP interop.

Best regards,
Byron Campen

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