[reSIProcate] Server side

nishant modak nishant_hunk_83 at yahoo.co.in
Fri Aug 4 05:46:37 CDT 2006

  Has anybody here worked on the development of a server for  registration..(which would be a good thing in dum/test.. alongwith the  basicRegister.cxx )
  In general,
   i suppose the steps for writing the server side ( accepting REGISTER, SUBSCRIBE.. etc. ) would be like..
  1. Setting the profile
  2. "addSupportedMethods().. " for supporting methods ..
  3. Having a ServerRegistrationHandler ( for REGISTER )
  4.And then processing the stack.process(fdset) and DUM.process();
  Am i going wrong somewhere ??
  Because when a REGISTER request does come , it gives out  405  Unsupported Method , Also seems to be  failing  for   ValidateRequestURI  .. ! !  :0
  Any clues ?
  Thanks in advance,
  Nishant Modak.
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