[reSIProcate] New resip release

Jason Fischl jason at counterpath.com
Thu Aug 3 15:43:12 CDT 2006

On 8/3/06, Alan Hawrylyshen <alan at polyphase.ca> wrote:
> On 2006.08.01, at 14:11 , Jason Fischl wrote:
> > My recommendation is that this time around, that we just provide a
> > release number and/or tag associated with the release candidate rather
> > than providing a tarball.  Once we are ready to do the actual release,
> > we can generate the tarball. I think this will lower the bar on
> > getting new releases out.
> >
> > Jason
> >
> Agreed, however there is some concern around what goes INTO the
> tarball, and there will be non-zero time needed to debug the tarball
> itself.

I found that our decision to strip lots of stuff out of the tarball
last time was a mistake. I think we should leave most stuff in and
reduce the effort to produce the tarball instead. My guess is that
more frequent releases would be preferred.

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