[reSIProcate] ParserCategory will accept empty parameters

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Thu Aug 3 11:31:27 CDT 2006

	In ParserCategory::parseParameters(), the following code will accept  
empty parameters:

       if (  (!pb.eof() && *pb.position() == Symbols::SEMI_COLON[0]) )
          // extract the key
          const char* keyStart = pb.skipWhitespace();
          const char* keyEnd = pb.skipToOneOf(" \t\r\n;=?>");  //! 
dlb! @ here?
          ParameterTypes::Type type = ParameterTypes::getType 
(keyStart, (keyEnd - keyStart));
          if (type == ParameterTypes::UNKNOWN)
             mUnknownParameters.push_back(new UnknownParameter(keyStart,
((keyEnd - keyStart)), pb, " \t\r\n;?>"));
             // invoke the particular factory
[type](type, pb, " \t\r\n;?>"));


	This isn't such a bad thing for a endpoint, but servers MUST not re- 
emit this sort of thing. Also, someone could eat us alive if they  
sent traffic containing stuff like this to us:

"Kaboom"<sip:foo at bar;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;etc... out to ~64K>

We'd end up filling a std::vector with around 60K empty Datas for  
every message sent at us.

Best regards,
Byron Campen
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