[reSIProcate] New resip release

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Tue Aug 1 16:06:45 CDT 2006

	It is time to start scrubbing for the resiprocate 1.0 release. I  
will be spending most of my time focusing on this effort until it is  
done. We need to:

-make sure the test cases are working and up-to-date
-make sure the build works on at least linux (debian and fedora core/ 
red hat at a minimum), windows, bsd and OS X, and that we are passing  
test cases on these platforms
-scrub for memory leaks
-search for and address any open issues
-address any open issues

It would also be nice to show that we can pass the latest Torture  
Tests draft, and the protos test suite for SIP.

If anyone will be able to help, or has any goals they would like to  
add to this list, please speak up.

Best regards,
Byron Campen

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