[reSIProcate] Proposed DUM Changes to Queue Offers
Jay Hogg
jay at 2imagineit.net
Mon Jul 31 09:33:00 CDT 2006
One question:
For provideOffer/requestOffer - does it make sense to ever
allow the queue depth to be greater than 1? For NITs it
makes perfect sense but I'm not so sure on offers.
BTW - this is a vote for "make the change"
----- Original Message Follows -----
From: "Scott Godin" <slgodin at icescape.com>
To: "resiprocate-devel"
<resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org.>
Subject: [reSIProcate] Proposed DUM Changes to Queue Offers
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 09:28:25 -0400
> I'm considering adding queuing of provideOffer (and
> requestOffer) requests in dum. It's kind of a pain right
> now for an application to have to track this state. Ie.
> Calling provideOffer when one is still outstanding, or
> worse yet (because the app didn't initiate it), when a
> session timer is being sent will result in an error.
> My proposal is:
> 1. If provideOffer is called in a state where we
> cannot immediately provide the offer, then store the sdp
> in some kind of offer queue (deque).
> 2. When we return to a regular connected state -
> check if there are entries in the queue and dispatch the
> first offer on the queue.
> These changes will obsolete the WaitingToRequestOffer, and
> WaitingToOffer states.
> We can consider doing something similar for NITs (INFO and
> MESSAGE) too in the future. But this might be a little
> more complicated, due to CSEQ generation, since we would
> need to store the entire message.
> Any opposition?
> Scott
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