[reSIProcate] bug in Dialog.cxx?

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Tue Jul 25 14:23:58 CDT 2006

	I noticed something that looks incorrect in Dialog.cxx around line 600.

		 case REFER:
                mInviteSession->mSentRefer = false;

                if (code >= 300)
(mInviteSession->getSessionHandle(), msg);
                   //!dys! the OR condition below is not draft  
                   if (!mInviteSession->mReferSub &&
                       ((msg.exists(h_ReferSub) && msg.header 
(h_ReferSub).value()=="false") ||
                      DebugLog(<< "refer accepted with norefersub");
ClientSubscriptionHandle::NotValid(), msg);
                   // else no need for action - first Notify will  
cause onReferAccepted to be called
             // fall through, out of dialog refer was sent.
          case SUBSCRIBE:


	Something tells me that we don't really want to fall into case  
SUBSCRIBE here if mInviteSession is NULL.

Best regards,
Byron Campen
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