[reSIProcate] support for Offer/Answer model

Giuseppe Teresi giuseppe.teresi at tti.unipa.it
Fri Jul 21 09:50:51 CDT 2006

Hi all,

I wish to implement the Offer/Answer model on my User Agent.
I have added the support of PRACK Method calling 
MasterProfile::addSupportedMethod(PRACK),  then I have added  
MasterProfile::addSupportedOptionTag(Token("100rel")) on the constructor 
of the main class and 
SipMessage::header(h_Requires).push_front(Token("100rel")) to insert the 
header Require in the INVITE method.

If I use the UA with an other UA wich require the support of reliable 
provisional response, the SIP stack doesn't send the PRACK,
How can I correctly implement this model?

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