[reSIProcate] reSIProcate stack sending 503 response automatically

Dmitry Semyonov dsemyonov at dins.ru
Thu Jul 20 16:13:13 CDT 2006

Jyotshna, et al,

On Thu, 20 Jul 2006 at 12:05 -0700, Jyotshna Cherukuri wrote:

>   I was wondering to when does the resiprocate send 503 automatic 
> response

Typically when network interface is down.

In my mind, 503 is rather confusing as it is used by real servers 
often. On the other hand I see no other appropriate response in SIP 
RFC. Probably, a better solution would be to use some reSIProcate 
specific (i.e. not defined in RFC) 4xx response instead.


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