[reSIProcate] Asynch Registration

Oren Shochat orens at emblaze-vcon.com
Thu Jul 20 09:27:07 CDT 2006

I'm creating asynch Registration (no authorization). Proxy gets registration then sends the message to a 3rd party server whom decides if to accept or reject.

Ok, here is what I tried. 
I implemented a Registrar. When I get the ServerRegistration Handler ::OnAdd() I keep the resip::ServerRegistrationHandle for later use. 
Once I get accept from the 3rd party Server I use the resip::ServerRegistrationHandle for sending OK message. 
This seems to work fine, but am I asking for memory exceptions? 

How long will the resip::ServerRegistrationHandle will be relevant? 
What happens if another registration request arrives before I send the accept?
Can the dum handle several resip::ServerRegistrationHandles ?    

I would rather keep a clone of the register message or message ID, but it seems like all the Dum member functions for finding a relevant Registration instances are not exposed (private), or am I missing something?


Oren Shochat
Email: orens at emblaze-vcon.com
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