[reSIProcate] How to set Via info in Header?

Robert Mansfield RJM at Redwoodtech.com
Thu Jul 20 03:23:48 CDT 2006


You can look in the source files for DUM for some examples.
DialogUsageManger.cxx has some examples of manipulating the Via header. In
most cases your application should just do the following when making a new

   Via via;
   via.param(p_branch); // will create the branch

This snippit was from Helper.cxx -> Helper::makeRequest(..)

The library takes care of setting the transport protocol (UDP, TCP etc) and
filling in the host portion of the address.

As an example you can access the methods for 'Via' using:-

msg.header(h_Vias).front().sentPort() =  5060;

Hope this answers your question.


-----Original Message-----
From: Wenwei Xu [mailto:wxu at cliquecom.com] 
Sent: 19 July 2006 23:31
To: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: [reSIProcate] How to set Via info in Header?


When making a SIP message, how to explicitly specify parameters (e.g.
transport, sentHost) in the Via object for the header? Can anyone provide
some sample code?

Many thanks,
Wenwei Xu

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