[reSIProcate] re: B2BUA devel qs

Benjamin Jacob benjamin.jacob at masconit.com
Tue Jul 11 06:06:36 CDT 2006

Hello again ppl,
Starting to build the B2BUA.
Quite some code browsing so far.
As I had mentioned, I am building a B2BUA.
So, again delving a lil deeper into the flow :
User A ---> reSIProcate ----> UAS -----> UAC -----> reSIProcate ---->
User B.
Now in the UAC, if I am not mistaken, I create a new invite to send to
user B.
The problem is, with the INVITE containing sdp content, on a 200 OK from
user B, UAC immediately sends an ACK.(ClientInviteSession.cxx : line
Wot i want is to forward the 200 OK back to the UAS, and then onto User
A. The User A would then send the UAS an ACK which would be forwarded to
UAC and then onto User B.
Looking at the code it seems, to not have the ACK sent, the INVITE sent
to User B should not contain the sdp content.????
Is there anyway, I can stop those ACKs being sent to User B until i get
an ACK from user A??
Also, another problem in immediately sending an ACK to User B, is that
User B would think that the call is established, even tho the 200 OK
hasnt yet reached User A.
Any pointers?

-----Original Message-----
From: resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org
[mailto:resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org]On Behalf Of
Benjamin Jacob
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 10:31 AM
To: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: RE: [reSIProcate] re: B2BUA devel qs

Thanks David.
This should help alrite :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org
[mailto:resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org]On Behalf Of David
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2006 8:51 AM
To: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: [reSIProcate] re: B2BUA devel qs

I've been doing a bit of research as I've had to put a B2BUA together
fairly quickly. While there is no direct samples that I could find, here
is a basic structure that is working for me: (classes are simplified and
displayed inline for brevity)
Basically it is one B2bService class which inherits InviteSessionHandler
and one PairAgent class which also inherits InviteSessionHandler
The trick is when you first get your onNewSession from the inbound, you
create your invite for the outbound, then you immediately bind these two
together by passing the pointer of one to the other.
Then you add the callID and the agents to a module level Hash map so
that any future events that the main B2bService gets can easily be
delegated to the proper agent (which will always know his pair to sync
the events).
You then either tap into the state properties of the dialog or keep your
own state machine and use these to properly sync events to your agent
As for expensive items like billing or logging, I am looking at creating
a Fifo or other async method to handle so blocking does not occur.
Hope this helps, and good luck.
class B2bService : public InviteSessionHandler
B2bService(const resip::Data& host, int port) :
mStack.addTransport(UDP, port);
SharedPtr<MasterProfile> profile(new MasterProfile);

auto_ptr<ClientAuthManager> clientAuth(new ClientAuthManager);
virtual ~B2bService()
virtual void onNewSession(ServerInviteSessionHandle h,
InviteSession::OfferAnswerType oat, const SipMessage& msg)
     //authenticates the origination
     //validates a termination point
     //creates the invite for the termination: 
     // SdpContents* sdp =
     // SharedPtr<SipMessage>
invite(mDum.makeInviteSession(NameAddr(target), sdp));
     // mDum.send(invite);
     // now that you have the call id's from both the origination and
termination agents you can add them to the hashmap
     //ie: mAgents[Data(h->getCallId())] = new PairedAgent();
mAgents[Data(invite->header(h_CallID).value()] = new PairedAgent();
     //swap references between agents to "bind" them together;
    // ie: inboundAgent->linkAgent(outboundAgent);
     //creates two PairedAgent object and adds them to the mAgents
virtual void AllOtherInviteSessionHandlerMethods(InvitesessionHandler h)
HashMap<resip::Data, PairedAgent*>::iterator i =
if (i != mAgents.end())
return i->second->SameInviteSessionHandlerMethod(h);
   SipStack mStack;
   StackThread mStackThread;
   DialogUsageManager mDum;
   DumThread mDumThread;
   HashMap<resip::Data, PairedAgent*> mAgents;
class PairedAgent : public InviteSessionHandler
virtual void onNewSession(ServerInviteSessionHandle h,
InviteSession::OfferAnswerType oat, const SipMessage& msg)
mAppDialog = h->getAppDialog();
virtual void onNewSession(ClientInviteSessionHandle h,
InviteSession::OfferAnswerType oat, const SipMessage& msg)
mAppDialog = h->getAppDialog();
virtual void onOffer(InviteSessionHandle h, const SipMessage& msg, const
SdpContents& offer)
virtual void provideOfferToPair(const resip::SdpContents& sdp)
PairedAgent* mLinked;
AppDialogHandle mAppDialog;
Ben wrote:

Hello ppl,
I am building a B2BUA using reSIProcate and DUM.
Please be patient and verryy forgiving if I this is the wrong place for
questions below.
Ofcourse tel me abt the correct link too :)

Ok.. Ive been reading the reSIP and DUM docs, whatever's available on
wiki n
At a real huge height, my idea of a B2BUA wud be something like this :

   RESIP <---> DUM <----> Application(Voicemail, Billing, etc)

My qs:
It seems the Application is responsible for informing the reSIP stack to
start listening on 5060.
So all messages coming on 5060 wud be passed onto the application and
courtesy DUM, you would get wot kinda message is it, and for which
for e.g. a 180 for a previous INVITE n so on(the onAnswer, or onOffer,
callbacks). So, duz it mean, all this will happen serially?
Won't that hamper the performance?
How do I fork off the service(for e.g. an INVITE in case of a billing
service) to the billing application, and that decides whether to call
callee, or play a file to the caller, etc.
If it happens serialy, and I need to contact a database to check the
caller's billing details, wont the other calls be blocked till that

All help greatly appreciated.
Also, any links where a few examples have been implemented(all as one
package, instead of individual executables in the tarball)??.



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