[reSIProcate] Errors Compiling Resiprocate

Alan Hawrylyshen alan at polyphase.ca
Mon Jul 10 18:22:39 CDT 2006

Hey - so subversion has a problem that we are still working around.  
The timestamp of the gperf file and the MethodHash.cxx will likely  
match (other files are the same). Consider checking if your  
FooHash.cxx files are younger than the gperf files (which might  
indicate that the Makefile tried to rebuild them). If that is the  
case, svn revert your FooHash.cxx files (Method, Header, Parameter  
etc) and TOUCH or update the timestamps on *Hash.?xx so they younger  
than the *.gperf files.

Then try again.


On 2006.07.10, at 18:53 , Oredope, Adetola wrote:

> Hello Alan,
> Thanks for your response. I was able to download the version from the
> svn but I am still having problems compling...
> This time I think it is a problem with the variable MethodHash  
> declared
> in the class resip...(I may also be wrong!)
> Please can anyone be of help?
> I have posted the error below
> obj.debug.Linux.i686/stateAgents/CertPublicationHandler.o
> obj.debug.Linux.i686/stateAgents/CertSubscriptionHandler.o
> obj.debug.Linux.i686/stateAgents/PrivateKeyPublicationHandler.o
> obj.debug.Linux.i686/stateAgents/PrivateKeySubscriptionHandler.o
> -L../build/../resip/dum/obj.debug.Linux.i686
> -L../build/../resip/stack/obj.debug.Linux.i686
> -L../build/../rutil/obj.debug.Linux.i686  -L../build/../contrib/ares
> -ldum  -lresip  -lrutil  -lssl  -lcrypto  -lares  -ldb_cxx  -lpthread
> -lpopt
> ../build/../resip/stack/obj.debug.Linux.i686/libresip.so: undefined
> reference to `resip::MethodHash::in_word_set(char const*, unsigned  
> int)'
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> make[1]: *** [bin.debug.Linux.i686/repro] Error 1
> rm obj.debug.Linux.i686/repro.o obj.debug.Linux.i686/repro.d
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/main/repro'
> make: *** [repro] Error 2
> Thanks and Regards,
> Tola
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alan Hawrylyshen [mailto:alan at polyphase.ca]
> Sent: 10 July 2006 20:00
> To: Oredope, Adetola
> Cc: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
> Subject: Re: [reSIProcate] Errors Compiling Resiprocate
> Please try compiling a more recent resiprocate. Download a copy of
> the head of what is in Subversion.
> svn co http://scm.sipfoundry.org/rep/resiprocate/main/
> If you still have problems please post them to the list.
> Thanks
> Alan

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