[reSIProcate] B2BUA devel qs

Benjamin Jacob benjamin.jacob at masconit.com
Wed Jul 5 23:58:56 CDT 2006

Hello ppl,
I am building a B2BUA using reSIProcate and DUM.
Please be patient and verryy forgiving if I this is the wrong place for the
questions below.
Ofcourse tel me abt the correct link too :)

Ok.. Ive been reading the reSIP and DUM docs, whatever's available on wiki n
At a real huge height, my idea of a B2BUA wud be something like this :

   RESIP <---> DUM <----> Application(Voicemail, Billing, etc)

My qs:
It seems the Application is responsible for informing the reSIP stack to
start listening on 5060.
So all messages coming on 5060 wud be passed onto the application and
courtesy DUM, you would get wot kinda message is it, and for which dialog,
for e.g. a 180 for a previous INVITE n so on(the onAnswer, or onOffer, etc
callbacks). So, duz it mean, all this will happen serially?
Won't that hamper the performance?
How do I fork off the service(for e.g. an INVITE in case of a billing
service) to the billing application, and that decides whether to call the
callee, or play a file to the caller, etc.
If it happens serialy, and I need to contact a database to check the
caller's billing details, wont the other calls be blocked till that time?

All help greatly appreciated.
Also, any links where a few examples have been implemented(all as one entire
package, instead of individual executables in the tarball)??.


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