[reSIProcate] how to use Visual Studio(VC++) with reSIProcate....

shen jinti jinti.shen at gmail.com
Wed Jun 21 02:24:26 CDT 2006

hi julien,

2006/6/21, julien <julien at aplix.co.jp>:
> Hello everyone,
> I have the same problem,
> I am looking for guidelines to use resiprocate with visual studio,
> My problem :
> (I am new to resiprocate ^-^)
> I managed to do the following :
> I successfully compiled the resiprocate.lib and made some test with the
> provided "visual solution",
> However I am having trouble importing the "resiprocate.lib" in an other
> project.
> I added iphlpapi.lib ws2_32.lib ares.lib dum.lib libdb43sd.lib
> libpopt.lib pcre.lib rutil.lib resiprocate.lib and the resip headers so
> that it would compile correctly.
> To test, I want to add parts of the testServer.cxx, so that it starts a
> server when I press a button from a custom form.
> However the moment I add a define using resiprocate like : #include
> "resip/stack/Helper.hxx"
> (I added extra include folder and extra library folders to the project)
> Compile is ok,
> At link I get this warning :
> Linking...
> rutil.lib(Data.obj) : warning LNK4075: ignoring '/EDITANDCONTINUE' due
> to '/INCREMENTAL:NO' specification
> and when I start the application I get :
> A debug assertion failed
> file : dbgheap.c line 1414
> Expression _CtrlIsValidHeapPointer(pUserData)
> in the logs :
> An unhandled exception of type 'System.TypeInitializationException'
> occurred in Unknown Module.
> I don't know what I am doing wrong, without the include I can run the
> application correctly
> So it's probably just a visual/configuration problem
> Please If someone could give us a few steps in the right direction...

  you cae use debug mode in IDE , copy the call stack when unhandled
exception .
  and send to maillist again. ;)

  btw,are you Specify runtime library  for linking ? eg . /MDd  in debug

  good luck.
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