[reSIProcate] Re: thanks_but

shen jinti jinti.shen at gmail.com
Tue Jun 20 02:05:29 CDT 2006

2006/6/20, santosh at renintech.com <santosh at renintech.com>:
> Hi shen,
> Thanks a lot for you kind responses to my doubts. I have succeeded in
> running a sample program. But i am not able to understand the DUM part of
> resiprocate because i am very new to reSIProcate i need some help.
> Basically i need to develop a User Agent using the reSIProcate stack. I
> have previously done some applications like Call Transfer and Call
> Forwarding implementations by building SIP user agent and proxy with JAIN
> SIP API which i am very comfortable with.
> If your could please help me in this matter with some code samples or
> whatever that is required i would be very helpful to me.
> Thanks Again.
> Bye.

 well, you look up dum/test/limpc.cxx and UserAgent.hxx ,UserAgent.cxx .they
is an example about how to use DUM.

 1. in first. include UserAgent.* into you projects.
 2. create a UserAgent Instance and  Call UserAgent.Proccess with a thread
(try rutil/ThreadIf.hxx)
 3. if you try to MAKE CALL with fllow code :
  UserAgent.hxx :
  void invite(const Data& calee)
      SharedPtr<SipMessage> inv = mDum.makeInviteSession(NameAddr(callee),
      &localSdp // path to you self sdp (Useage See
  4. ok ,call useragnet.invite("sip:callee at target.domain");
  5.handle UserAgent memeber function:

      virtual void onEarlyMedia(ClientInviteSessionHandle, const
SipMessage&, const SdpContents&);
      virtual void onProvisional(ClientInviteSessionHandle, const
SipMessage& msg);
      virtual void onConnected(ClientInviteSessionHandle h, const
SipMessage& msg);

 btw, i does not test this code .you MUST test by you self. :P

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