[reSIProcate] Problem with UAC sending ACK automatically

Adam Roach adam at nostrum.com
Wed Jun 14 06:47:51 CDT 2006

derek at counterpath.com wrote:

>However, Bill's use case was where there was an offer in the INV and an
>answer in the 200. Media will flow from the UAS side once the 200 is sent,

Or possibly even earlier:

"Once the offerer has sent the offer, it MUST be prepared to receive 
media..." (RFC 3264, section 5.1) (It goes on for a bit more than that, 
but it really boils down to that statement).

>and will be send by the UAC(Bill's UA) once the 200 is recieved; what is
>the motivation for delaying the ACK?

For sessions with SDP in the INVITE, ACKs are a transport issue, not an 
application issue. It makes no more sense to withhold an ACK under these 
circumstances than it does for an application to withhold a TCP ack.


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