[reSIProcate] stack usage help

santosh at renintech.com santosh at renintech.com
Mon Jun 12 08:18:28 CDT 2006

I have recently used JAIN-SIP for implementing sip applications. Now we
want to develop sip applications using c++ with reciprocate stack.

Now i am trying to use the resiprocate sip stack to develop the sip
components and applications on linux.

I will be very thankful to you if somebody can help me what to do in step
by step manner.

I have linux 9 installed and i  have donloaded the resiprocate sip stack
and followed the steps mentioned in the readme file.

make check
make install

what should i do after this to start with the resiprocate. I m new to
linux also so please help me what to do by giving some help or tutorial.

Thanks in advance.


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