[reSIProcate] More Heap corruption..

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Thu Jun 8 09:45:37 CDT 2006

	I am not sure that is what you are seeing here. ContactRecord  
doesn't contain pointers to anything, and the ContactRecordList uses  
ContactRecord values (not pointers), so copy constructing the  
ContactRecordList mContacts should make full copies of everything  
(unless the copy constructor for Uri is broken somehow, which would  
be very surprising indeed). There should be nothing shared between  
the returned list and the list that is internal to the  
RegistrationPersistenceManager. Are you using the  
InMemoryRegistrationDatabase found in dum, or some other  
implementation of RegistrationPersistenceManager?

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> Hi,
> I'm currently facing another heap corruption problem. I think this is
> caused by the way the RegistrationPersistenceManager::getContacts  
> is implemented:
> typedef std::list<ContactRecord> ContactRecordList;
> virtual ContactRecordList getContacts(const Uri& aor) = 0;
> When this function is used like:
> ContactRecordList mContacts = pStore->getContacts(aor);
> then the contents of the returned list get assigned to
> mContacts, but the internal ContactRecordList gets
> destroyed which causes it to destroy(delete) all elements
> and this is causing the heap corruption because the
> elements are still present in mContacts.
> To proof this is skipped the delete in the debugger and
> the corruption message does not occur.
> How can we solve this problem? (or am I missing something?)
> What about making getContacts return shared_ptr<ContactRecordList>?
> Best regards,
> Matthias Moetje
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