[reSIProcate] Integrating an External Event source into DUM process loop

SIP Rocks sip.rocks at gmail.com
Wed May 31 22:22:49 CDT 2006

Hello List,

 I just started using Resiprocate / DUM. In my application call
control events come from external sources and these events must be
processed in the order they come.
 For example if there is a INVITE and then a call control event fired
from the external source, and then a 200 OK - they must be processed
in that order.

 I am thinking that the best way to do this is :- to add the external
events to the mFifo by creating  a Class called
ExternalCallControlEvent that inherits the ApplicationMessage class.

 Is this the right approach? any other ideas, where i don't have to
dig into DUM?



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