[reSIProcate] reciprocate stack

santosh at renintech.com santosh at renintech.com
Sun May 21 04:16:49 CDT 2006

I have recently used JAIN-SIP for implementing sip applications. Now we
want to develop sip applications using c++ with reciprocate stack.

I somebody can please help me in what to donwload and how to configure in
step by step manner, it will be very helpful to me.

Please help me in this matter.

I have downloaded resiprocate-0.9.0-5019.tar.gz and extracted and followed
the steps given in the readme about configuring and making.

But when i tested by writing a sample c++ program by only including
"resiprocate.SipStack.hxx" file with the empty main method, it is giving
the following errors.

[root at Sip01 sip]# g++ -Wno-deprecated  test.cxx
/tmp/ccWoz7IG.o(.text+0x180): In function
`__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)':
: undefined reference to `resip::Data::init()'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
[root at Sip01 sip]#

Please help me out.
I am in very urgent need.

Thanks in advance.

With Regards

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