[reSIProcate] Need info on SipMessage.addHeader() arguments

Kovar, William (Bill) bkovar at avaya.com
Fri May 19 13:14:01 CDT 2006

Thanks for the link but I guess what I am really trying to do is add a
header to a response message while staying in DUM. Apparently
DialogUsage::onReadyToSend() would be perfect except that it only works
for requests. Is there a comparable way to add Call-Info to a response?
BTW: You mentioned looking at Feature in DUM for adding Call-Info,but I
can't seem to understand what to do with it. Are there any or details or
sample code around??
Bill Kovar
Avaya Inc.
(732) 852-2609
bkovar at avaya.com


From: jason.fischl at gmail.com [mailto:jason.fischl at gmail.com] On Behalf
Of Jason Fischl
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 7:05 PM
To: Kovar, William (Bill)
Cc: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: Re: [reSIProcate] Need info on SipMessage.addHeader() arguments


On 5/18/06, Kovar, William (Bill) <bkovar at avaya.com> wrote: 

	I looked in the wiki and found nothing. Do you have a link to
something specific?
	What's h_CallInfo and where's it defined?
	Bill Kovar
	bkovar at avaya.com

	From: jason.fischl at gmail.com [mailto:jason.fischl at gmail.com] On
Behalf Of Jason Fischl
	Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 6:36 PM
	To: Kovar, William (Bill)
	Cc: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
	Subject: Re: [reSIProcate] Need info on SipMessage.addHeader()
	You wouldn't use the addHeader method directly. Have you looked
at http://wiki.resiprocate.org? 
	Here's how you would add a Call-Info header. 
	SipMessage msg;
	msg.header (h_CallInfo) = Data("foobar");
	On 5/18/06, Kovar, William (Bill) <bkovar at avaya.com> wrote: 

		I'm looking to add a Header into a SIP msg before
sending it out and assume addHeader() is the right way to go. However,
the signature is confusing to me. Can someone explain the method args??
		    Headers::Type header,      // what's this?? Would it
be GenericUri
		    const char* headerName,    // what's this?? Would it
be "Call-Info"
		    int headerlen,             // I assume this is the
length of headerName
		    const char* start,         // points to header data,
a.k.a. the 'info' part as per RFC3261
		    int len)                   // length of start
		I'm not sure about the first 2 args. Can someone set me
		Also, if I'm adding a Call-Info header, is everything
that I want to add after the "Call-Info:" part in the 'start' argument,
including the info-param(s)? Or is there some special way to add them
		Bill Kovar
		bkovar at avaya.com

		resiprocate-devel mailing list
		resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org 

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