[reSIProcate] Need info on SipMessage.addHeader() arguments

Kovar, William (Bill) bkovar at avaya.com
Thu May 18 17:33:34 CDT 2006

I'm looking to add a Header into a SIP msg before sending it out and
assume addHeader() is the right way to go. However, the signature is
confusing to me. Can someone explain the method args??
    Headers::Type header,      // what's this?? Would it be GenericUri
    const char* headerName,    // what's this?? Would it be "Call-Info"
    int headerlen,             // I assume this is the length of
    const char* start,         // points to header data, a.k.a. the
'info' part as per RFC3261
    int len)                   // length of start
I'm not sure about the first 2 args. Can someone set me right?
Also, if I'm adding a Call-Info header, is everything that I want to add
after the "Call-Info:" part in the 'start' argument, including the
info-param(s)? Or is there some special way to add them in.
Bill Kovar
bkovar at avaya.com
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