[reSIProcate] keepalive question

frank zhao frankzhaohb at gmail.com
Mon May 15 07:38:29 CDT 2006

  I have some question about the KeepAliveMessage class In resip stack.
  In KeepAliveMessage.cpp , the constuctor method indicate that the
keepalive message should use the "OPTION" method in SIP. but in the
"encode" method in this class. only 2 CRLF is output. Is it correct or
I misunderstand the code?

the code see below:
////constuctor method.
  KeepAliveMessage::KeepAliveMessage(const KeepAliveMessage& message)
   : SipMessage(message)
   header(h_RequestLine).method() = OPTIONS;
   Via via;

//// encode method.
KeepAliveMessage::encode(std::ostream& str) const
   str << Symbols::CRLF << Symbols::CRLF; //why only output 2 CRLF here?
   return str;

   If I want to use the keep alive message to pass some private
info(such as the client info) between the client and server, .Is there
some method or interface which I can use?

  Can someone can give me some advice?Thanks in advance.

Best Regards

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