[reSIProcate] Finding the correct DialogID to get the InviteSession

Jason Fischl jason at counterpath.com
Wed May 10 09:51:34 CDT 2006

Can you not store the InviteSessionHandle instead? That way you won't need
to call findInviteSession at all. You can just store a map from refid ->

On 5/9/06, Kovar, William (Bill) <bkovar at avaya.com> wrote:
>  I'm building a multiple UA server that receives 3rd party commands that
> contain a Uri and refid.
> A top layer maps Uri->UA to find the UA. But I can't seem to figure out
> what to persist in my UA to find the correct dialog to act on. My UA may
> have multiple active sessions.
> If I map inside the UA as such:
> std::map<unsigned long refid, DialogId> the_map;
> and then add to the map
> the_map[refid] = ish->getAppDialog()->getDialogID();
> and then do:
> mdum->findInviteSession(DialogId);
> Compiler complains about no appropriate copy constructor on
> resip::DialogId.
> Should I modify class DialogId to have a copy constructor or is there
> another way around this? Or does the DialogUsageManager have some goodies
> for me to use to find the correct session inside one UA.
> Any alternatives to findInviteSession() ??
> Any suggestions??
> Bill Kovar
> bkovar at avaya.com
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