[reSIProcate] Time to build a new release

Björn Andersson bjorn.v.andersson at ericsson.com
Tue May 9 03:43:48 CDT 2006

What is the status of reSIProcate 1.0, will it be released any time soon?

best regards
Björn Andersson

Robert Sparks wrote:

> Folks -
> We're long overdue on issuing a stable reSIProcate release.
> 0.9.0 is almost a year old, and we've done a _lot_ since then.
> Several people have suggested a new release, and  I think we're
> ready to issue version 1.0
> I propose we spend some collective time over the next couple
> of weeks scrubbing head as it is now, testing it as much as we
> can at the upcoming SIPit, and releasing shortly after that event.
> (SIPit is Apr 17 in Akihabara, Tokyo if you didn't already know.
>  See www.sipit.net for more details).
> Send a note if you'll be able to contribute time to the scrubbing.
> Thanks,
> RjS
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