[reSIProcate] provideAnswer question

Glenn MacGregor gtm at highstreetnetworks.com
Mon May 8 10:11:09 CDT 2006

Hi All,

I am building a softhpone using resiprocate, I have the code to handle an
incoming call.

I override the OnOffer to handle the SDP and send the accept.

In OnOffer I call the provideAnswer on the incoming session with the sdp that is
passed into OnOffer.

Then I do:

const SdpContents &localSdp = h->getLocalSdp();
const SdpContents &remoteSdp = h->getRemoteSdp();

Looking at the code the provideAnswer that should set the mCurrentLocal and
Remote SDP correctly, but when I call encodedParsed(cout) on both the Local and
Remote SDP I get:

o= 0 0 IN IP4
t=0 0

Which I know is not correct because I print the incoming SPD the same way in
OnOffer and it is valid.

Please, is there something I am missing in the process to get this working?



Glenn MacGregor
HighStreet Networks

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