[reSIProcate] Another Keep Alive question...

John Draper lists at webcrunchers.com
Wed May 3 16:53:25 CDT 2006

stensil wrote:

>Hmm... I think you should just create KeepAliveManager and send it to
>dum by setKeepAliveManager method:
>std::auto_ptr<KeepAliveManager> keepalive( new KeepAliveManager() );
>clientDum->setKeepAliveManager( keepalive );
>Don't use neither "setDialogUsageManager" method nor "add" method (IMHO)
>- this is internal KeepAliveManager methods, DUM uses they itself.
yes - I now see I had picked the wrong utilities,  but later,  after 
lots and lots of time I eventually found the relationship between the DUM
and the KeepAliveManger and how it works.  The idea of trying to use
"add" had crossed my mind.

Since I have the entire resip sip stack in my source code debugging 
it has been invaluable in helping me figure out how this work because I can
stop it in critical points,  and by doing this,  I was able to determine 
important critical thing in the DUM wasn't set - IE:  not calling
clientDum->setKeepAliveManager( keepalive )

Then, I tracked the instance variable in the DUM,  and sure enough,  it
eventually wound up using it.


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