[reSIProcate] Sending "Keep alives"

Alan Hawrylyshen alan at polyphase.ca
Wed May 3 09:01:43 CDT 2006

On May 3, 2006, at 01.36, John Draper wrote:

> My what mechanism do I make sure Keep alives are sent about every
> 5 secs or so.  Does the SIP stack do this automatically,  or do I
> have to implement a timer to do this myself?  I presume the
> keep alive is a simple header and carriage return,  right?

You positively don't want keep-alives every 5 seconds. If you are not  
reading the relevant IETF or sip-implementors discussions around NAT  
keep-alives, you are not likely to make a good decision around this  
timer. Leave the stack setting alone since it will be chosen with  
care to work in most cases. Think of the network load at your server  
when you have 100K endpoints sending 20 keep-alive messages per minute.

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