[reSIProcate] Sending "Keep alives"

John Draper lists at webcrunchers.com
Wed May 3 02:36:09 CDT 2006


In debugging my SIP phone, I can connect just fine and have an audio
conversation, then it will stop in about a minute or so.

Further investigation indicates my SIP stack is not sending keep
alive packets.

I fired up TCPDump, and sure enough, I'm not sending any keep
alives to the SIP server.  What could be the reason?  I obviously
suspect I'm not setting it up properly.

My what mechanism do I make sure Keep alives are sent about every
5 secs or so.  Does the SIP stack do this automatically,  or do I
have to implement a timer to do this myself?  I presume the
keep alive is a simple header and carriage return,  right?

Is there a resip function or method that allows me to control
this?  It appears I haven't setup my SIP stack properly, because
it isn't sending them.


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