[reSIProcate] Re: DUM version 2 work session

Alan Hawrylyshen alan at polyphase.ca
Wed Apr 26 11:56:18 CDT 2006

On Apr 25, 2006, at 15.58, david Butcher wrote:

> Looks like 3 days.
> May 20-22. Saturday, Sunday, Monday.
> External wireless connectivity will be available.
> Do these dates work? Any special needs -- please contact me directly.
> thanks,
> david

Hi all;

I would love to participate in the DUMv2 work session - and I gather  
many people would. As a point of concern; for those of us that went  
to SIPit, we missed a couple statutory holidays with our families to  
get to Japan. It would be very nice if the work session did not  
coincide with another statutory holiday. (In Canada, these dates are  
the "May Long Weekend / Victoria Day"). Some of our families would be  
downright (and rightfully) irritated if we missed another holiday. :-)

Any chance of moving the w/s out by one week? Any further and we run  
the risk of getting piled up against IETF submission deadlines for  
meeting 66.


Alan Hawrylyshen

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