[reSIProcate] REGISTER request sent without Address if HostPort isnot overridden
Scott Godin
slgodin at icescape.com
Tue Apr 25 07:16:00 CDT 2006
The stack should be filling in the rest of the Contact header for you.
How are you verifying that the Contact header is incomplete? There are
logs that show up in resip that show the sip message that doesn't
contain the populated Contact. You should use Ethereal to verify what
is being sent on the wire.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org
> devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org] On Behalf Of Shaun Dawson
> Sent: Monday, April 24, 2006 5:38 PM
> To: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
> Subject: [reSIProcate] REGISTER request sent without Address if
> isnot overridden
> All,
> If I do not override that HostAndPort, my REGISTER requests are being
> sent out with only a username, not an address. I have not really
> tried reproducing the problem with other requests, but I imagine the
> same problem would happen no matter what the initial request.
> Here is a listing of BaseCreator::makeInitialRequest. I have
> annotated the code with NOTE comments in the relevant areas:
> void BaseCreator::makeInitialRequest(const NameAddr& target, const
> NameAddr& from, MethodTypes method)
> {
> [snip]
> // NOTE: Line 66 declares an empty contact...
> NameAddr contact; // if no GRUU, let the stack fill in the contact
> assert(mUserProfile.get());
> if (!mUserProfile->getImsAuthUri().host().empty())
> {
> Auth auth;
> Uri source = mUserProfile->getImsAuthUri();
> auth.scheme() = "Digest";
> auth.param(p_username) = source.getAorNoPort();
> auth.param(p_realm) = source.host();
> source.user() = Data::Empty;
> auth.param(p_uri) = "sip:" + source.host();
> auth.param(p_nonce) = Data::Empty;
> auth.param(p_response) = Data::Empty;
> mLastRequest->header(h_Authorizations).push_back(auth);
> DebugLog ( << "Adding auth header to inital reg for IMS: " <<
> }
> // NOTE: on line 84, the hasGruu() is hard-coded to return false
> if (mUserProfile->hasGruu(target.uri().getAor()))
> {
> contact = mUserProfile->getGruu(target.uri().getAor());
> mLastRequest->header(h_Contacts).push_front(contact);
> }
> else
> {
> if (mUserProfile->hasOverrideHostAndPort())
> {
> contact.uri() = mUserProfile->getOverrideHostAndPort();
> }
> // NOTE: at this point, if we didn't set the contact from the
> // mUserProfile->getOverrideHostAndPort(), it's still empty.
> // I'm not sure if it is supposed to be set from another spot
> // (e.g., the "from" parameter...), but unless I have done an
> // setOverrideHostAndPort() in my client, the contact has no IP
> // port.
> contact.uri().user() = from.uri().user();
> const Data& instanceId = mUserProfile->getInstanceId();
> if (!instanceId.empty())
> {
> contact.param(p_Instance) = instanceId;
> }
> mLastRequest->header(h_Contacts).push_front(contact);
> [ snip ]
> The comment for the 'contact' variable says that we're letting the
> stack fill in the contact, but it doesn't seem to. Am I doing
> something wrong to keep that from happening? Is this a bug in the
> Dum?
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Shaun
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