[reSIProcate] Really Strange compiler behaviour
Matthias Moetje - TERASENS GmbH
moetje at terasens.com
Fri Apr 21 12:19:14 CDT 2006
thanks very much for your comments. I need to note that
this is not my code, it's the code that already existed and
probably it has worked on some compilers/platforms and on
others (e.g. VS 2005) perhaps no one has actually been using
the feature that makes this error relevant.
To me it seems that using pointers would be the best solution
to fix this, even if it breaks existing applications (but actually
it won't be much more than replacing the & with a * in a
derived ServerAuthManager and maybe deleting some *
From: Karl Mutch [mailto:kmutch at sonimtech.com]
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2006 6:26 PM
To: Matthias Moetje - TERASENS GmbH; Scott Godin; Alexander
Altshuler; resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: RE: [reSIProcate] Really Strange compiler behaviour
I believe the problem you are having is that you are using the
this pointer of a
partially constructed object.and passing it into another
constructor. If this does
work then it is purely by chance/side effect etc, especially if
you are using this
code in a release build with MSVC. In any event I dont think
this is really legal ?
Boost provides a means for controlling the order of member
initialization that may
help your chicken and egg situation, which leads me to a rant
about why are we
not using boost, memory leaks et al, but I will restrain myself
-----Original Message-----
resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org
[mailto:resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org] On Behalf Of
Matthias Moetje - TERASENS GmbH
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2006 6:31 AM
resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: [reSIProcate] Really Strange
compiler behaviour
I am experiencing some really strange
behaviour on the
following lines in the constructor of
mIncomingTarget = new
mOutgoingTarget = new
Actually the objects are created through
when I debug through the generic runtime
of the new operator; afterwards the
constructors of
the object and the inherited objects are
called. Though,
in the end the result from the new
operator is not assigned
to the pointer variable i.e. in the end
the pointer variable
is NULL.
But if I note the pointer from the
operator new implementation
and assign it to the variable(s)
manually in the debugger, everything
is fine!
Seems very strange to me! I'm using
VS.NET 2005. All I could
think of here is probably the way the
dum object itself is
passed into the constructor (*this)..?
Does anyone have an idea why this
happens? I thought of
passing dum as a pointer instead, but
that would require a
change to dum itself...
I would be very thankful for any hints
on this, I have no other
idea about that...
Best regards,
Matthias Moetje
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