[reSIProcate] Managing multiple UA registrations with single DUM

Matthias Moetje - TERASENS GmbH moetje at terasens.com
Wed Apr 19 13:21:14 CDT 2006


	I'm developing an interface between a 3rd party call controller
and SIP, using DUM as the integration layer. DUM is being told what
devices (URIs) to monitor (I register as UA on their behalf). Some of
the devices will receive INVITE msgs and will not respond until the 3rd
party controller allows it, i.e. I alert the 3rd party controller about
an new incoming call (INVITE) and the 3rd party controller tells me
where to deliver the call. Call delivery is done via a B2B and media
shuffling and the call is delivered to (you guessed it!!) an agent. 

 Thanks for the clarification!

	Based on your response below, it seems the only call that is
UserProfile specific is the call to setDigestCredential(...) just before
the SIP msg creation and Dum->send(). Is this true?  

Probably you also need to use UserProfile->setDefaultFrom.
You can use UserProfile->setInstanceID to identify the profile.
Best regards,


	From: Matthias Moetje - TERASENS GmbH
[mailto:moetje at terasens.com] 
	Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 11:24 AM
	To: Kovar, William (Bill)
	Cc: resiprocate-devel
	Subject: RE: [reSIProcate] Managing multiple UA registrations
with single DUM

		I can see how persisting UserProfiles can be done when
the Register succeeds. What I can't seem to grasp is what calls to the
DUM have to change when I am switching profiles, hence which data beyond
the UserProfile I need to change to control a different UA.  

	..usually nothing, the userprofile should be sufficient. 
	Don't set things like digest credentials or defaultFrom in the
masterprofile, create a userprofile for each UA.

		In the example below the various pDum->setXXXX methods
are called using the one and only uac. Which ones would be UserProfile
or UA instance specific and which ones I only call once at
initialization of the DUM.  

	You would call all of them at initialization of DUM. None of
them should be UA specific.

		 NOTE: After registration of many URIs, I wish to
control responses to INVITES, etc from a 3rd party controller. 

	Hm, not sure what you mean here..?
	Best regards,

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