[reSIProcate] Problem with extension headers

Antoine PERENNEC antoine.perennec at wanadoo.fr
Tue Apr 18 03:41:30 CDT 2006

Hi all,
I'm currently trying to add a new header within the resiprocate sip stack for a proprietary application. 
According to the wiki documentation, the right way to do it is to use the runtime extension header facility,
but I'm facing a few unexpected problems :
my code looks like (within the same .cxx file that needs the header) :
#include "resiprocate/ExtensionHeader.hxx"
static const resip::ExtensionHeader h_myHeader("my-header");
this code compiles without any warning, but at runtime, it breaks an assert and crashes:
[sai at toun converter]# ./converter
converter: ExtensionHeader.cxx:25: resip::ExtensionHeader::ExtensionHeader(const char*): Assertion 'Headers::getType(mName.data(), mName.size()) == Headers::UNKNOWN' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)
I will be very glad if anyone could give me some advice about this problem, I'm really lost right now.
Is it an already known issue among resiprocate developpers ?
Whatever, thank you all in advance for your help and your ideas !!

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