[reSIProcate] Adding a local via

Michael Baj mbaj at bridgeport-networks.com
Mon Apr 10 10:26:03 CDT 2006

I am running a single instance of the reciprocate stack, listening to
multiple ports.  Each port is added as a new transport.



            stack.addTransport(resip::UDP, 5065, resip::V4,

            stack.addTransport(resip::UDP, 5060, resip::V4,



My proxy adds a local via to the SIP message before it is delivered.



void addLocalVia( resip::SipMessage& msg )






However, the stack does not choose the correct transport when creating
the new via.  This is obviously because I am not specifying one in the
code.  Is there a way to specify on which transport to create the local


When the SIP message comes in on port 5060, I want to mark the top-via
as if it came from port 5060, and respectively for 5065.


Thanks in advance,

Michael Baj

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