[reSIProcate] STUN Client support

Joe Liao joe.jhliao at gmail.com
Mon Apr 10 08:10:45 CDT 2006

Hi Matthias,
    Sorry, My mistake , I just fixed my problem.
    I input wrong STUN Server port as my SIP port.

    What I mean respond to different port is that I have ever seen that
    my friend used STUN message payload to ask STUN server to send response
    to port 7000 , to prevent STUN messages go into SIP stack.
    So he sent STUN request from port 5060 then receive response from
port 7000.

    Anyway , I think your implemetation is better way.
    Thank for your help

    Best regards,

2006/4/10, Matthias Moetje - TERASENS GmbH <moetje at terasens.com>:
> Joe,
> >     (I checked it with Ethereal, I was thinking I can ask
> > Server to change the response port
> >      But it won't make sense with reSiprocae, right?)
> A server would always respond to the port from which
> the request came, so I don't quite understand your problem.
> Matthias

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